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恐怖片 美国 2018 

主演:Darren Kent,Lee Nicholas Harris,Lindy Pi

导演:Jason Wright


更新:2023-11-08 10:30:24


  • 正版视频高清播放地址
  • 剧情介绍

    After the accident, Rebecca discovers herself in a very different world than she remembers. Plagued by her patchy memory and self-doubt she fends for herself. She encounters Gary who tells her a terrifying story of his escape from the local jail. Can Rebecca trust Gary? Can she cope with what she learns? Can she survive in the world of the 'Infected'. Infected is a short horror...和《传染》视频播放地址全集,由星辰电影网全网络收集并分享发布,仅供用于学习和交流。
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